Wisconsin Lutheran Choir members, you may create your own personal fundraising site in which to invite family and friends to support the 2017 Pacific Northwest Concert Tour.
This is a GROUP fundraiser. One hundred percent of donations received before our extended final payment due date of Monday, March 27 will be shared among choir members.
This is the "easy button" you've heard about but didn't think really existed! Click the link below to get started.
Click here to join!
About the Wisconsin Lutheran Choir
As an ensemble of believers in Christ, the Wisconsin Lutheran Choir exists to glorify God with a commitment to excellence. We study and perform choral repertoire from the Renaissance to the Twenty-First Century to the highest artistic level, and seek to broaden audience awareness of and appreciation for a wide variety of choral music. Through our concerts and performance tours, we seek to serve as ambassadors for our Savior and Wisconsin Lutheran College.
You can help the Wisconsin Lutheran Choir tour this spring!
The Wisconsin Lutheran Choir is planning a performance tour that reaches the Pacific Northwest and Alaska in May of 2017. Each member of the choir is responsible for a portion of the cost of this tour. Would you give a gift today to help keep tour costs as low as possible for students? Simply click on the link "Donate to Choir" and your charitable donation will make an impact today.
Thank you for considering a tax-deductible donation to the Wisconsin Lutheran Choir!