Go Rock Climbing at Adventure Rock with Rock Climbing Club

Saturday, February 24th

Adventure Rock, MKE (2220 N. Commerce Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212)

11:00 am - 1:00 pm - leave WLC at 10:30 am

Cost is only $8.00

Limit of 15 climbers for this event. 

Includes Transportation and Class Fees. Be sure to bring water with you!

This event is sponsored by the WLC Rock Climbing Club. Please contact Ethan.Howe@mail.wlc.edu with questions

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Individual Ticket $0.00

Club and Org Events

  • This event is coordinated by a WLC Club and Organization
  • WLC resources are being used and all rules in the 2023-2024 School Handbook are in effect.
  • This program is open to WLC Students. Guests must be approved by the event organizer. 
  • Please direct questions about this event to the student event organizer or student.programming@wlc.edu.